(The name I play under is 'Tory B'stard' so if you see me (I'll be the one with the lowest score) - say Hi!) So, for those of you who already have QUAKE II and know how to set it up to play in Death Matches with downloads enabled (you will need the downloads enabled as we do NOT normally play the standard levels or with standard characters). So - if you are feeling a little bit bored why not try it out! The best times with the most people playing Saturday and Sunday afternoons, but people are playing most nights of the week.

This mod aims to bring detailed PBR textures to Quake 2 RTX that retain the aesthetics of the original version. You play against other people! Much more fun! A good friend of ours at AET, who are a computer repair service based in Gillingham, Kent, runs a QUAKE II server which runs 24/7. Modder ‘diolator’ is currently working on a new HD Texture Pack for Quake 2 RTX. With AET's QUAKE server, you don't play against the computer. Love it or hate it, it’s available without a subscription."I'm not going to explain exactly what QUAKE is, suffice to say that it's a game where you have a character - with a gun - who goes around different levels shooting everything that moves! A bit like DOOM but with better graphics and a lot more. This game embodies the gamer humor of the N64 era. It’s easy to think of the platform as a place for family-friendly titles, but every once and a while Nintendo would let a weirdly mature product slip through the cracks. The whole aesthetic of this game doesn’t age amazingly all the time, but it still serves as a nice reminder of the types of games the N64 catalog featured. Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary Tour ($9.99)ĭuke Nukem made waves with its unique style and off-color humor back in the ‘90s, and all of it is captured pretty perfectly in this remaster. If you’re looking for a retro fix you can own forever, here are seven products to consider.

Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack releases October 25, and, while many Nintendo faithful will reluctantly shell out the $49 annual fee to play a small catalog of Nintendo 64 and Genesis games, it’s worth noting there are quite a few ways to play titles from those platforms on Switch without the need for a subscription.